Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lab Day 6
Part 1-Observations
Today in our lab we observed the results from the food tests that we did the day before. Our results are going to help us figure out what our unknown sample of bacteria is.

We also looked at our virus test that we did yesterday. Our "Europe" did not turn out very well. The other group's "Awkward", however, turned out very well. 

The first test we checked is the starch plate. A positive test would show a halo on the plate around the bacteria. This halo did not show up on our plate, therefore our bacteria had a negative starch test. We used Gram's Iodine to check to see the halo. 

The next test was the skim milk test, which tested caesin. This was a negative result for us. Dr. P told us to incubate the plate longer. We shall see more results tomorrow.

The lipid, fat, plate was the next plate we observed. There is clear zones due to break down of the lipids. This test was negative for us.

A positive DNA plate when loaded with N. HCL will show a dark halo. Our plate did not show a dark halo when the solution was added, therefore our DNAase test was negative.

The next set of tests we observed were found in the tubes.
Sucrose Test: negative
Litmus Milk: lactic acid curds milk, pink hue, cracks in the curd meaning that there was gas produced. We had a positive test result, however, Dr. P told us to re-incubate.
Maltose: positive

Glucose: positive. There was color change
Lactose: positive. Change in the color

Triple Sugar IA: positive. Both the slant and the butt showed a yellow color which meant that glucose, lactose, and/or sucrose were fermented. Meaning that the slant and the butt were acidic.

Part 2-Tests
The next part of the lab that we did was complete more tests on our bacteria.

Oxidase Test: to determine if our bacteria has cytochrome oxidase a participate in electron transport chain during respiration.
We took the lid of our bacteria plate placed filter paper on it. Then we squeezed two drops of oxidase reagent and then we added the bacteria. The bacteria turned yellow not purple on contact with the reagent, therefore, the results were negative.
The next set of test that we did are going to set overnight to incubate.
We inoculated 5 different tests.
Protein Indole

Today during lab we noticed that Dr. P had a cut on his hand. He showed us a cool way to decrease the bleeding of his cut. He took a piece of chalk and crushed it and the placed the chalk on the cut. This because there is calcium in the chalk the coagulation increased.

Joanna Dawyot, Cassie Livingston, Mary Rose Capara 

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