Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lab Day 5

Upon entering lab, we checked yesterday’s experiments. In our thioglycolate slants and we found growth on the top and the bottom, therefore signifying that our bacteria is a facilitative aerobe. Our stab was not motile because it remained in the line of inoculation and was not hazy throughout the tube. Our plate had growth and this further confirmed that it was a facilitative aerobe.

The second part of our lab consisted of seeing if our unknown bacteria had catalase. Any oxygen breathing organism can produce H2O2 because they contain the catalyse enzyme which breaks down H2O2 into Hydrogen and Oxygen. By pouring Hydrogen Peroxide onto the plate with our unknown bacteria, we could determine if our bacteria did in fact have cataylse. There were bubbles around the reaction which means our bacteria tested positive for cataylse. We are O2 breathing beings, therefore, also have catalyse and can produce H2O2.

 During the last part of our lab, we prepared tests that would help us discover what foods our bacteria prefer to eat such as lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, or nucleic acids. To do this, we used the aseptic technique to inoculate many test tubes with different foods such as glucose, sucrose, maltose, lactose, and litmus milk, with our unknown bacteria. We took a test tube containing TSIA and stabbed our bacteria into the slant and then used the snaking technique over the surface of the slant. We also inoculated a starch agar with our bacteria. After 24 hours you stain the plate with Gram's Iodine. We inoculated a skim milk agar using the snaking method. The last two agar plates we inoculated were the DNA and Lipid plates.



Joanna Dawyot, Cassie Livingston, Mary Rose Capara 

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